Dare to be you

There are still many men asking on the Internet if men's thongs are sexy and who want to wear them but are embarrassed. Personally, I think the question is: Why do you care what other people think?

There are many men who like or would like to wear thongs on the beach but are afraid of people rejecting them. I think that this rejection is part of a process of finding someone who will accept you as you are. Imagine that you meet someone on the beach and you are wearing shorts because of the shame of wearing a thong, they break out, they go out, they become boyfriends, what is going to happen when you want to wear a thong??? He may like it, he may not, the only thing I know is that stopping being yourself to please others has consequences.

You can spend your life trying to make others happy or being happy yourself and of those 2 options there is only one that is possible, this blog is for all those who want to express their opinion on the subject but above all to give reasons for using them and remove that taboo that makes some of us tangueros so unhappy.

Going back to the question at the beginning (Why do you care what other people think?) I asked myself this question a while ago and came to the conclusion that I also tend to criticize people, so when I think about what they think about I think they think the same as me or in other words: "With the yardstick you measure you will be measured" and if you go through life criticizing you will believe that everyone criticizes you, better love, wish for good and only then will you be free of your own thoughts

Others will be surprised to know how many people like it ;)

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Me gustaría también andar en tanga en la playa


Me gusta tu forma de pensar. Creeme no es facil y en mis tiempos lo fue muchisimo menos, pero sabes que? Me atrevi! Todavia recuerdo con 17 años y disfrutando de la playa en una tanga en mis primeras vacaciones en Mazatlan! Que recuerdos…desde entonces no dejo de usarla tanto como ropa interior como en la playa. Siéntete en libertad de escribirme a mi mail. Saludos y que siga tu éxito!


Es cierto lo que dice Sergio. Mi esposa me conocio usando Speedo cuando hibamos a la playa o la picina. en ocaciones me las regogia para que se me viera el tracero y tomar sol y asi me la dejaba. Hasta que un dia compre una tanga y la use con mi esposa en una vacaciones (los dos en tanga). Yo soy hetero. Me mantengo en forma para poderlas usar. A mi no me importa lo que la gente piense. La gente siempre va a criticar. Tengo mi autoestima alta y una buena actitud. Ojo no en todas parte la puedes usar. depende del lugar y la personas con las que handas. (Yo tengo calsonetas, speedo y tangas). Hay que ser moderado. Esto mismo ocurre con las mujeres.


Ya me gustaria a mi hacer lo mismo en mi ciudad(almeria -españa)


Pues no tiene nada de malo solo mostremos como somos nadie controlará nuestra imagen yo quiero conocer más hombres que piensen como yo que disfruten usar tanga sin tabúes +573104289699


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