All day in a thong

Sun 6 Feb 2023

Since my computer broke down I have been redoubling my efforts to buy a new one but the way I see the situation I don't think that will be possible anytime soon.

It's a pain to go without a computer and even more so when it is your main work tool.

Even so, thongs cannot stop, I feel a very great commitment to all the men who love to wear thongs, I feel that there are still many people who judge and people who need to know that they are not alone.

I have looked for a way to continue making videos here in La Playita and not only have I achieved it but I have been working LIKE EVER to be able to put competitive prices, a much more dynamic page and don't ask me how but without a computer I am able to move forward, slowly , but moving forward.

Well, just to tell you that there are even some thongs in which you can see with AUGMENTED REALITY! which excites me very much! But of course only the select group of people who follow this blog know that 😉

I leave you the link to one of the products that already has augmented reality so you can see the products in your living room! AND WITHOUT HAVING PURCHASED THEM! Just click on the thong below and then go to the image that has a cube in the upper left corner.

Anyway, they have been days of a lot of work and of walking around all day in thongs, taking photos, sewing thongs, remodeling the page, etc. etc.

I'm very sorry that I can't upload videos as frequently as I would like, but as I told you, without a computer things are difficult.

But as they say, face bad weather and keep screwing it.

I am very glad that you remember me and take a look here at these blogs, which by the way, I have been doing since before YouTube videos.

Keep looking all over the page for new things, I will continue working so that you find more and more things and I hope that you will soon place your order to send you some exquisite and sensual thongs like mine 😉

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¡Checa las tangas mas nuevas de La Playita!